Eliminating the Need for New Year's Resolutions

Sharise Deimeke
RN, BSN, Owner of Stay-N-Alive

Here we are again.  Welcome 2017.  Welcome to a new year, a fresh start, a brand-new page on a brand-new calendar. A time when possibilities feel endless and there are so many new hopes, dreams, goals and our lofty new year’s resolutions. What can we do this year to get the results we seek for our health? How can we attain the things we truly desire and protect our most important asset: our health?

I think it is safe to say that statistically speaking, we fail miserably in the success rate of our new year’s resolutions.  We make them each year with great intention, just to fall off the wagon within a matter of days or a few short weeks.  Why? Why is it so difficult to keep the promises we make to ourselves regarding our health?  After all, without our health, we have very limited choices.

Let’s do something different this year! Let’s make small, simple changes each day that will compound over time and reap tremendous rewards in our long-term health.

This year’s resolution … NO MORE DIETING! The very word has DIE in it, so unless that is our goal, let’s eliminate that word and all the crazy actions that come along with it from our lives in 2017! 

Instead, let’s focus on living! Living to the fullest.  Fueling our bodies with the best possible fuel and enjoying the energy and vitality that accompanies those choices. Our bodies are finely tuned machines, but unfortunately, we have traded in high octane fuel for convenient toxicity.  We are in a unique place in history, we are the first generation to be exposed to such an enormous level of toxicity, chemically altered and genetically modified foods. All of which drain our energy and create the unprecedented level of disease we are experiencing in our society.

If we can learn to take care of the internal organs so vital to our health by choosing foods that our bodies can utilize as clean fuel, then we can make a dramatic change in our health over time.  Start with one simple thing, such as eating single ingredient foods as frequently as possible.  Try grabbing an apple for a snack, or chicken and broccoli for dinner.  These are foods our bodies can easily recognize and utilize as energy. We will feel the difference right away.  Eliminating our bodies need to “decode” every food we eat will have tremendous long term positive effects on our wellness.

If we learn to eat as clean and simply as possible from January through November, we can eat whatever we want to from November to January!! No more concern over holiday weight gain and no more need for New Year’s Resolutions!

Here’s to your health!

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