LEAD to Fun!

Dr. Ted Seymour

As we head into the Fall season, kids are back in school, and the busy life of being chauffer, cook, coach, tutor, and oh yeah, parent, for many is the reality once again. As we get into this ‘business’ of life, my thoughts wonder to how to make a positive difference in the lives of our family members.

There is so much hustle and bustle in our lives; sometimes we forget to nurture and show how much we care for those closest to us. With homework, sports, band, karate, and our work we are always on the move. And at the end of the day we just want to sleep. This is when we need to remember that healthy families are built upon a foundation of security, values, and love. This hustle and bustle does not teach about security, values, and love. It teaches about stress, fast food, and fatigue!

One thing that helps parents teach kids about security, expectations, and love is to develop a sense of community. Kids learn through involvement and connection. Connection can be about service projects, visiting historic landmarks, and learning about the local government. All or these are important, however sometimes we need to slow down and not have everything be so serious. We need to recharge our batteries and teach our kids how to have fun without an electronic device! Lead our families by going to community events, such as festivals. We can learn about other cultures, our community’s history, even visiting a local farmer’s market or art show can be fun and educational. And remember, sometimes we adults need to go out without the kids. Go out on a date, have some adult fun (wine tastings, great restaurants), and remember what is like to relax!

Steven Covey called it sharpening the saw. The concept is simple, we all need to recharge and do things that are fun in order to sharpen ourselves in all areas of our lives. So what better way to sharpen the saw, build a sense of community, and display leadership, than to get out and have some family fun!

Leadership is not just for the boardroom. If you are a parent, you are a leader. If you are married, you are a leader. Strengthen your family, teach those you love that it is OK to have some fun and plug into the community. Lead, and enjoy Everything Brevard and see how much you can learn!

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