Economic Development Commission Offers Grant for Production Technician course

The Economic Development Commission has announced there is grant money available (up to 100% PAID) to fund anyone wishing to take the 10-week online Certified Production Technician course starting on January 23rd through Eastern Florida State College.

This accelerated program is designed for students not ready to embark on a four year degree program, returning veterans, mom’s wanting to get back into the workforce or anyone looking for a change in their careers.

Now here’s the best part! Brevard is home to the largest concentration of manufacturers in Florida and demand for skilled workers is at an ALL TIME HIGH!

Victoria Northrup, Manufacturing Consultant at EDC spent the better part of six months meeting with the manufacturers and introducing them to the CPT program and all have expressed interest in hiring the CPT graduates – in fact they admitted that they would select a CPT graduate over someone who has no knowledge of manufacturing.

Demand is there. Supply is low. And we have the funding to pay for anyone wishing to enroll.

You can request an application and more information by emailing Victoria or visit EFSC’s website for additional info and steps to take to enroll. Feel free to forward this on to anyone who may be interested in taking advantage of this opportunity!

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