Dropeski Announced as 2017 Distinguished Service Award Winner

Winner Cindy Dropeski with Kelly & Jennifer.

The Cocoa Beach Regional Chamber of Commerce congratulates Ms. Cindy Dropeski, Intercoastal Insurance, Inc., on her recognition as the 2017 Distinguished Service Award (DSA) winner. The announcement came at the Chamber’s 49th Annual Gala at the Radisson Resort at the Port.

“I was thrilled with the DSA committee’s decision this year, and could not think of a more deserving honoree than Cindy Dropeski,” said Jennifer Sugarman, President & CEO of the Cocoa Beach Regional Chamber of Commerce. “The Chamber kicked off the New Year right with this unforgettable event, and I appreciate all of our sponsors, presenters and partners for making the evening so memorable.”

The DSA has been awarded by the Cocoa Beach Regional Chamber each year since 1985 and represents a community-minded individual who has provided consistent and unrelenting efforts with their time, talent and treasure on the Space Coast.

“I am completely shocked and honored to win this award,” said Cindy Dropeski.

The Chamber celebrated its success from 2016 at the Gala, while inducting its new Chairman of the Board, Rich Hensel, co-owner of Fishlips Waterfront Bar & Grill, as well as the 2017 Executive Committee and Board of Directors.

“The Chamber’s ‘Charting a Course for Success’ themed gala was a wonderful event to kick off a new year of opportunity and growth for our community,” said Hensel. “Congratulations to Cindy Dropeski as the Distinguished Service Award winner – a well-deserved honor. I am excited to serve as Chair and look forward to a great year ahead working with all our partners and the Chamber team.”

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