Graduate Family Receives Recycled Car

Recycled Rides, Allstate Insurance, and Gerber Collision helping a graduate family with a donated 2014 Nissan Sentra!

A family in our shelter program last year, mom, dad, and teenage son, successfully moved from homelessness to housing, but they continued to be plagued by an old car with a multitude of problems. Dad often had to stop several times on his way to or from work to add water and deal with other mechanical issues. He was often left stranded with this unreliable vehicle, but he persisted in moving forward into housing. This past fall, Allstate reached out to us to let us know that Family Promise of Brevard was selected as the recipient of a “Recycled Ride” for one of our graduate families and we immediately knew it was meant for this family!

Recycled Rides is a nationwide community service project of the National Auto Body Council in which insurers, collision repairers, paint suppliers and others collaborate to repair and donate vehicles to Family Promise guest families and Affiliates, as well as other deserving service organizations. In the Recycled Rides program, insurance companies donate the vehicles, parts and paint manufacturers donate the materials, and local auto body shops donate the labor to repair them.

Locally, Gerber Collision in Titusville did the repairs and handed over keys to a 2014 Nissan Sentra to this family. These are the kinds of stories that make us love what we do.

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