Ancient Art of Face Mapping Offers Clues to Health Issues
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Ancient Art of Face Mapping Offers Clues to Health Issues

The ancient Chinese technique of face mapping is a tool that helps people see the underlying cause of their skin problems. We are often told that acne or related skin issues will resolve themselves after puberty, but the truth is most people continue to battle skin issues well into their 20s, 30s, and 40s. Face mapping asserts that we have to look at what is going on inside our bodies to correct what we see on the outside.  

“In facial mapping, the face is divided into sections and each section correlates to an organ, and if you had an acne breakout in the area, it was said to be related to the organ,” said My Facial Girl owner Christy Giovannini. “It mostly refers to acne, but in my experience, I have seen it present as eczema, facial hair, and discoloration, as well.” 

Acne is a sign of inflammation, a direct result of an immune response in the body. By figuring out the source of the inflammation, support can be provided from within. This is where face mapping can be a useful tool.

Our skin is our largest organ, and when something is showing up on the outside of our skin, where it is sitting can show us where we should focus internally. 

  • Forehead/between the eyebrows: This area is connected to the liver. Often breakouts here are connected to eating an abundance of rich or sugary foods or an increase in alcohol intake. Clean eating and drinking more water will usually help the skin improve.

  • Chin/jawline: Acne or hair growth in the chin area is usually connected to hormones and the female reproductive organs. An increase in testosterone from eating androgen producing foods or working out more frequently can lead to breakouts here.

  • Cheeks: Skin issues on the cheeks are said to be linked to the digestive system and gut inflammation.

  • Upper forehead/hairline/nose: Problems in this area are linked to the small intestine and digestive track. Triggers may include high sugar intake, processed foods, or use of antibiotics or steroid medications. 

Yagen Gutierrez has been a My Facial Girl client for two years. She credits Giovannini in helping not only with her skin issues, but with improving her overall health.

“Facial mapping helped me understand where my acne issues were originating from. When she noticed most of my acne was on my jawline, chin, and cheeks, Christy recommended some estrogen balancing supplements,” Gutierrez said. “I started taking them and working with my doctor, digging deeper into my hormone issues. It’s still a work in progress, but I am seeing a huge difference.”

Giovannini said looking at the skin on your face is the body’s way of telling you something is off. 

“Face mapping just helps you be in tune with your body and listening to it can help prevent acne and cut down on the signs of aging,” she said. “It’s not just about your skin and how your look, but it  is your body trying to tell you something.”


My Facial Girl
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My Facial Girl owner Christy Giovannini. Photo by Jason Hook

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