Executive Business Showcase: Carissa Vitry


Carissa Vitry


TRES VISION Group & Brevard Surgery Center


Executive Director and Director of Surgical Services

Years at company:


Area of expertise:

Ophthalmology and Ambulatory Surgery Center

 Community involvement:

Melbourne Chamber of Commerce board member

Why did you choose this career path?

I always knew I would be in business and healthcare. Born and raised in Brevard County, medical facilities are prevalent. Medical will always be an area of need. When I started as a receptionist, I had one goal, which was to succeed and exceed in this company. 

Advice to others about work, life, community:

The days are long, the hours are longer, some days are great, some days are challenging. As long as you absolutely love what you do physically, emotionally, and mentally, and it falls in line with your personal goals, then no matter what those long days and hours are, they will become memories and stepping stones to how you became successful.

Each long day, each long hour brought me to where I am today. I didn’t give up, I stayed true to myself whether the decision was right or wrong, I’ve made mistakes and plenty of them, but I learned from them, I grew from them, and began to surround myself with people who I wanted to emulate. It's about being the best you every day, taking your wins and your losses to become better each day in business and in life. 

What do you love about your work?

I love systems. How they work, areas of improvement, how to move the needle, even if it's just 1%. Analyzing a business as a whole and figuring out ways to be better than yesterday.

What inspires you?

Personal development and growth. I am competitive and goal-oriented. 

What’s some great advice you have received?

“Ask questions first.” If someone does something you do not agree with, ask questions first. You will never understand another person’s thought process or variables unless you know how they analyzed the situation. This does not mean you need to agree in the end, however it allows you to open your mind to other ideas.


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