Uncertain times call for certain faith

Our faith is tested during unprecedented times of struggle. Life as we know it changed on a dime due to the COVID-19 virus, and I found myself sorely missing my old-school “regular” anxiety. This has been a whole new level.

I worried about the effects on my young son, who doesn’t fully understand why he couldn’t go to school, play with his friends or go to the zoo or park. I worried about him having only his parents to play with for so long. And here come the words anxiety thrives on: WHAT IF one or both of us got sick? How would we care for him properly? What if something worse happened to us?

Add to that the hardest week of my professional life as in the midst of all the temporary closings in March, I was forced to lay off half of my staff. As a boss and a leader, laying off people you truly care about at a time when all the world has to offer is uncertainty felt like a bullet to the heart. I cried for hours and know the sadness will manifest for some time. 

Several community leaders reached out to show support and solidarity. They also had to make tough choices. For the people this is happening to in our community, I’m profoundly sorry. None of us could have imagined this is how we’d be starting this decade.

The strength and spirit of others keeps me going. My best friend, Kaylin, was recently diagnosed with Hodgkin’s lymphoma at 32 years old. When asked how she’s doing, she always replies in a positive manner, even if she doesn’t fully believe it in that moment. That is a superpower I wish I possessed. 

There are so many of you like her in this amazing community. And YOU keep me going. Which means the Chamber keeps going. The Chamber can provide resources for our business community to rebound once this storm passes. Which can help re-start our economy. And that’s how we all can heal TOGETHER!

At times like this, WHAT IF we have faith? What if we accept in our hearts that this is happening for a reason? What if we are connecting with what truly matters in life more than ever before, and deeply understanding all that matters is the precious here and now. 

As I stare at my son, I try to imagine what my life would look like without him and conversely what his life would look like without me. Then it hits me. We’re together here and now. We have a roof over our head, people who care for us, food, and toilet paper! (We will see if that’s still the case by the time you read this.)

God is good, Brevard. Keep the faith and remember to be a Kaylin. It’s the first step toward leading the charge for total and complete healing in every sense.


Jennifer Sugarman, President and CEO of the Cocoa Beach Regional Chamber of Commerce, is a busy working mom to son, Emmett. She formed the Cocoa Beach Chamber’s Young Professionals Group in 2016, currently serves on the board for United Way of Brevard and is an active member in Brevard County’s business community.


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