Winning the living minimally battle

You’ve heard the phrase,” living out of a suitcase.” Well that is my life lately. And I don’t mind at all. In fact, it’s provided refreshing perspective.

Due to my daughter Ella’s acting career, she and I spend months at a time in California with the in-between months back in Brevard County. This involves a lot of packing and figuring out how to fit everything we need during extended stays away from the comforts of home. 

I thought consulting some snowbirds might be helpful, as they carry on life in two different locations, then quickly realized we don’t have that second home to leave full of our belongings. Each time we come and go, we have to stuff our lives into suitcases. At 50 pounds or less a pop.

With Ella being 6, that also means bringing a carseat along (thankfully airlines don’t charge to transport those). We’ve become quite the packers and travelers. But aside from all the packing tips we’ve picked up, the main realization is that we have too much stuff at home. And it’s time to get rid of it.

I’ll never forget the lesson repeated at the end of the G.I. Joe cartoons I watched growing up: “Knowing is half the battle.” It took having to choose just a few pants and limited shirts, select jewelry and outerwear, and leaving behind so many shoes I love to realize what I packed is all I need. 

Ella had to choose a tiny fraction of her stuffed animals and a few small toys to bring with her. All for 2.5 months or more. That’s another thing about the entertainment industry — production schedules could extend, so there’s also the uncertainty of just how long we might be gone. But we don’t mind. 

Living in a smaller space with our few suitcases of possessions has made me realize that we need to empty our house. I have too many clothes. Ella has too many toys. My husband and I have a wall full of books that I kept thinking I’d save for Ella. But, despite how interesting I think the topics, if they haven’t been opened since I was in college… yikes.

I’m considering looking for a service that one might call in after a family member passes away and you want their estate cleared out. With our travel, I don’t have time to do what needs to be done. But I know the mission and task at hand. And well, knowing is half the battle. Now to form the army to win the battle!


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