Breaking the Cycle of Domestic Violence

Typically, when we think of domestic violence, we picture spouses or partners hitting each other or doing something physical. There is, however, a lot more to abuse than physical violence. 

At Serene Harbor, we advocate that domestic violence is preventable and that creating good connections and severing the pattern of domestic violence at an early age is key to breaking what often is a vicious cycle. 

A person raised in what society deems an “ideal” home, who was never exposed to domestic violence and who has always had positive interactions with peers, friends, and family is unlikely to become an abuser because domestic violence is a learned behavior. 

Domestic violence is a form of abuse used to hurt or control others. Different types of abuse include physical, emotional, sexual, reproductive, financial, or digital. 

Abusers use many tacts to ensure that they retain power and control over the survivor. Aside from a need for power and control, other factors that contribute to abusive behavior include:

  • having been exposed to abuse themselves
  • having witnessed domestic violence in the past
  • being socially and emotionally isolated
  • lacking in relationships and healthy role models
  • lacking in emotional and social skills

Even though it can frequently feel impossible to stop domestic violence, numerous strategies have resulted in positive outcomes. When someone calls or texts our 24/7 crisis hotline at 321-726-8282 or contacts us via web chat at, a common question we ask is, “Do you know of any intimate partner violence, teen dating violence, or domestic violence that occurred during your abuser’s youth?” 

More often than not, the answer is “yes.” This is why part of our mission here at Serene Harbor is to prevent domestic violence before it happens.

A few times a year, people across the nation come together to raise awareness. February is  Teen Dating Violence Awareness Month, or TDVAM, with the intent of drawing attention to the necessity of educating young people about dating violence, teaching good relationship skills, and breaking the vicious cycle of abuse.

April is National Child Abuse Prevention Month, which stresses the importance of families and communities working together. By strengthening families, we hope to prevent child abuse and neglect. By collaborating with the community on Serene Habor's prevention efforts and programs, we can protect our children's future and create happy, healthy families.

Learn more at 
Instagram: @sereneharbor 
Facebook: /sereneharbor


Thought Leader Bio

Having grown up in a domestic violence household, Beverly DeMeyer committed her life to better the lives of domestic violence survivors in Brevard County. The president/CEO of Serene Harbor and winner of the 2021 Purple Ribbon Awards, Program/Shelter Executive of the Year knows that the work never stops and is committed to the cause that keeps inspiring others to join in ending the cycle of domestic violence.

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