5 Tips for Decluttering in the New Year

The new year is always a good time to not just think about downsizing, clearing out clutter and organizing, but to take action and make it happen. As a professional organizer for 15 years, I’ve helped businesses, families and individuals obtain more peace in their environment by helping them with decluttering. I coach them to change their perspective so letting go is no longer so difficult.

In the spirit of entering 2024 with an organizing mindset, I’m happy to share some tips that have worked for my clients over the years. Not only do I help them get organized, but I teach them how to stay organized. Here are five tips that work well in the post-holiday need to get your home back to a place where you’re at peace.

1 Pare down holiday decorations.

Before you pack up all your holiday decorations, think about which ones you will be excited to unpack and display next year. If you hesitate on any, place it in a separate container to revisit next year. If you don’t love it, donate it. Consider doing this with any holiday for which you decorate, like Halloween, Easter, etc.

2 Get your kitchen back.

The holidays are over, and you’ve got extra cooking and baking ware in the kitchen that you can reassess before putting back into hibernation. Decide whether you want it all taking up space in your cabinets. For example, all those disposable cookie trays people brought over are not worth keeping, so donate them. And while you’re at it, feel free to go through your other cabinets to see what you haven’t used and don’t have a plan to.

3 Sort children’s clothes.

Start assessing the length of pants and sleeves, and separate anything that no longer fits your kids into a donation box. If it’s going to be a hand-me-down, store in a place where you’ll remember to bring it out when appropriate. This should be done at least twice a year, but you can set a schedule that works for you. Holiday break is a good time to do it so the kids can try things on.

4 Clean out the closet.

While you’re at it, take a look at your own closet and start pulling out any items you no longer want to be seen in public wearing. Our bodies and sense of style and taste change, so share any items you no longer need, whether it’s donating, swapping or selling. Make sure to include your shoes and accessories, even jewelry.

5 Reassess linens and towels.

The rule is two bath towels per person and two sets of sheets per bed. The idea is one is in the laundry and one you’re using. If you have company, be sure to keep additional towels for their visit. If you have pets you bathe, set aside some towels separately. Anything more is taking up too much space! I have had people balk at this concept, but it’s a guideline and can help you free up storage space. So, if you want to keep three towels per person, go crazy.

Getting organized is more than moving things into cute containers. It requires purging, otherwise you are storing items you have no intention of ever using. The post-holiday new year mindset is a great time to do some organizing, but you can set small goals throughout the year.

If you feel the task is overwhelming, that’s when clients call me. I’m happy to help with your organizing journey, whether the task is small and takes a day or requires a long-term plan.


Clutter B Gone
Facebook: /ClutterBGone

Meet Our Thought Leader

Clutter B Gone owner Maria Waddell reinvented herself in 2008 as a professional organizer, leaving a job as human resource manager for a global company. She had a knack for organizing since she was a small child and thought she could spin her talents into a business helping both residential and commercial clients. In addition to organizing homes, she has organized a global IT department after it moved from Palm Bay to Melbourne, shipping and receiving departments, car dealerships, retail space, and much more, helping them maximize their space into efficient systems. Many Realtors depend on her as an expert to help their clients who are overwhelmed at the idea of downsizing and moving. 

She is active in her church, volunteers with different organizations, enjoys the gym, and spends time with family and friends.

From Our Archives:

12/1/23: Editor Insights: Organizing My Home Completely Refreshed My Existence

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