Adorn Your Artisan Garden

The tranquility and blissfulness of a garden transports us into a world of serenity. It’s a respite from traffic, skyscrapers and big-box stores. Breathe… The sun shines above, soft leaves blow, bees and butterflies flutter by. It is natural therapy.

Surrounding ourselves with nature and organics connects us to Earth’s energy and the basis of our existence. This may include a windy path through the woods, strolling through a lush garden center like Rockledge Gardens, Valkaria Gardens or your own personal flower garden. 

The beauty and bounty of what has been created for us is something to be celebrated and appreciated. A wonderful way to express that gratitude and respect is to adorn a garden space with art and sculpture.

Some residents may have a statue of St. Francis or a stone replica of their family pet in their garden. Others may have an ornate tiered water fountain or a collection of vibrant planters. 

If I had unlimited resources and funds, I would have a collection of Dale Chihuly glass sculptures in my garden, much like his exhibits that awe visitors at permanent and temporary locations around the globe. I love the juxtaposition of delicate vibrant hand-blown glass against the fragile leaves and flowers. Breathtaking!

Art means something different to each person, and that translates into each home garden becoming a mix of what gives you pleasure. For those who appreciate the unique and the bold, consider a sculpted and multi-colored living wall to frame out your garden. Freeform patterns can be created with various foliage for color and texture. These are popular in modern homes. 

Have you ever seen a moving kinetic garden sculpture? These fascinating creations can mesmerize you for hours with beautiful flow of movement, like a prima ballerina on a stage. Their magical and soothing energy cannot be captured in a motionless photograph.

It’s worth the short drive to McKee Botanical Garden in Vero Beach to wonder while you wander through the natural stickwork sculpture called “Grand Central,” erected by Patrick Dougherty and his son, Sam, before exploring other works from various artists. It’s a different experience to absorb art in an environment surrounded by flora and fauna, as opposed to an enclosed building like a museum. 

So many talented artisans create unique art and sculptural pieces that you can incorporate and celebrate in your own garden space — and within budget. Visit your local garden center, art shows and local artisans for inspiration and to support them while building your collection. Or sign up for a workshop and make your own garden art!

Take in the sunshine, fresh air and tranquil calm of it all. Now breathe....


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