My Purpose in One Word: BE

To reflect means to think carefully about something.

I’ve had plenty of time for reflection these past few months since being sidelined with an ankle broken in three places. It’s felt like a slow-motion Sunday afternoon drive looking in the rearview mirror.

I have contemplated my 55 years of life, my work, purpose, value, family, things that have inspired me, things that have hurt me and things that scare me.

I have not been this still in almost two decades. An emergency appendectomy took me out for a couple of weeks back in 2001. I’ve come to realize that I run hard, working to prove my value and worth rather than consistently believing and trusting that God has a master plan and purpose for my life. I believe this and yet there’s still a part of me that attempts to take control.

This past fall was 100% proof. When you go from 100 mph to hopping on one foot with a walker, and the only priority is to rest and let your foot heal, there is not much a person can do when it comes to work. You must have faith and trust that the people and processes and systems you have in place will survive the situation.

My heart is overflowing with gratitude as we begin this new year. The team, the advertisers, the processes and systems all worked without any hiccups. I feel so blessed and know beyond a shadow of doubt that I’m doing what God wants me to be doing. He just wants me to do it without compromising or neglecting myself in the process.

When you know, you know. Whether it is a relationship, your work, a dream, a sporting competition, a task at hand, or a special project when you’re called to it, you simply cannot fail. You take a stand, have faith, show up to do the work and you win every time. It doesn’t mean it’s easy, but you undoubtedly will get the results you’re looking for because you believed and trusted.

That’s what happened with this January issue of I had no idea how I was going to produce a 68-page magazine while healing, but I kept my faith strong and showed up daily to do the work — but at a healthy manageable pace. And I asked for help when I needed it. The team was fabulous, generous with their time and talents, and the advertisers were kind and supportive. A true blessing.

Every year I pick a word that guides my decision-making process every day. Examples of past words include discipline, consistency, clarity, mindfulness, and movement. This year, my word is BE.

Be adventurous, be consistent, be disciplined, be kind to yourself, 

be mindful, be still, be thankful. Just BE.


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