Take the Gratitude Challenge

Gathering around a table with those you love, and celebrating all you’re thankful for is one of our most beloved American traditions. November represents a gateway into the holidays, and signals an often exciting shift from one season into the next. This year, however, feels different. Between COVID-19 and the contentious state of our deeply divided country — it certainly feels like there’s less joy and holiday joviality. 

As a lifelong relentless optimist and positivity powerhouse — this feeling of unease is both unfamiliar and uncomfortable to me, and I’d bet I’m not alone in feeling this way. Collectively, as a culture, we’re worn out. Tired of bad news, yet unable to pull ourselves free of its gravity. Pardon the language y’all, but 2020’s been a category five shitstorm. 

I know … I’m not helping. We’re getting to that part. Bear with me. 

Part of what makes November and December feel so warm and fuzzy is the emphasis on gratitude. Festive signs are everywhere encouraging you to “give thanks” and “be thankful.” Decorations like these serve as both symbols of the season and conscious reminders of all we have to be grateful for. 

What if, when we logged onto Facebook, Instagram, Twitter or LinkedIn, we saw something similar? What if, instead of scrolling through feeds filled with name calling, finger pointing and divisive memes — we were greeted with messages of gratitude? 

What if this movement could start with you?

To be clear, I’m not suggesting you stick your head in the sand and stop paying attention to anything not bringing you bliss. I’m suggesting a hiatus from the hate, a respite from the rants, and a sabbatical from the shame. 

This isn’t about taking a break from social media, but rather, reevaluating what’s worth sharing. If social media brings you more anxiety than joy, it’s time for YOU to raise the vibe within your social tribe. Perhaps you’ve heard it takes 21 days to rewire your brain to adapt to a new habit. Well, looking for the bright side is a habit. 

I challenge you to get socially grateful for 21 days. It doesn’t matter when you start, where you’re sharing, or what you’re grateful for. All that matters is that you, personally, commit to the concept. 

For three weeks, consider focusing your posts on what you’re thankful for. This can be about big stuff, or about little things. It doesn’t have to be well written, or feature a photo of you looking effortlessly flawless. It just has to be inspired by gratitude, and shared with your people. 

Extra Credit

Feeling extra ambitious? Engage friends, family, or co-workers to join you. Want to spread the sunshine even further? Include #GratitudeChallenge in your post, and inspire other people beyond your circle. Feeling stumped on where to start? Search #GratitudeChallenge on social, and take a look at what the rest of the world is thankful for. 


Michelle Mulak owns Good Vibrations Creative + Consulting, a boutique marketing, public relations and communications consulting firm based in Cocoa Beach. She works with entrepreneurs, businesses, brands, events and organizations of all sizes to help them develop and implement authentic, effective content marketing, advertising and publicity strategies.


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