Tracy's Wellness Journey - Living My Dream - A time of reflection.

People are resolving to change. Exercise more, lose weight, get organized, learn a new skill or hobby, save more money, spend less, quit smoking, live life to fullest and spend more time with family and friends — just a few goals that usually top new year’s resolution lists all over the world.

In December, I had the opportunity to go on a mission trip to Guatemala. I spent seven days traveling to different villages, orphanages, schools, senior citizen homes and shelters filled with people in need. Our team was there to serve in whatever capacity we could. We built bunk beds and brick stoves, delivered water filters, clothes, shoes, personal hygiene items and toys.

I witnessed extreme poverty and heard horrific stories of sexual abuse, violence and abandonment. Yet the people as a culture were happy. They worked hard for what little they had and when they had nothing to give, they prayed that God would bless us because we gave. The trip was life-changing.

Over the last three years, I have written about different aspects of my wellness journey: coping with the highs and lows of diabetes, proper nutrition, fitness, balancing work and life, taking responsibility for your own health and wellness choices, the power of focus, being committed to yourself and starting new family traditions after loss.


What I have come to realize is this:

  • Living your dream, whatever that might be, gives you deeper purpose and connection with God. We all have weaknesses. Work and develop your strengths. It’s the best use of your time.
  • Self-care isn’t about getting your hair and nails done, getting a massage or shopping. Self-care is about slowing down, connecting with nature, listening to your inner voice. It’s about nurturing and feeding your soul, giving to yourself and others.
  • I’ve learned that over time we build up anger, frustration and resentment, and without proper detoxification of the cells, emotions and mind, we can’t heal our bodies. Life is too short to carry the load. Forgiveness is for yourself. It’s best to let things go.
  • Work-life balance requires having healthy boundaries. Managing and prioritizing relationships with co-workers and family is a must. We can’t please everyone all the time. We all have the same 24 hours in a day. Learn to manage your energy, not your time.
  • Proper nutrition and rest are fundamental. There is a balance to this, as well. In many cases, we try so hard to have the perfect body or be the perfect size that we end up stressing our bodies so much that we can’t get the results we are looking for.  
  • Planning is the key to success. We push limits, want things on demand and try to cram three days’ worth of stuff into one. Meals, exercise and family time can be planned out just like meetings. When you make it a priority, you get the results you are looking for.

Truth be told, I still don’t have it all figured out. I do feel at peace with where I am in my journey. My heart feels healed and full, and I am thankful for all the professionals who have assisted me along the way. There have been many, and I have learned so much the past three years.

This year, my resolutions are to embrace each day with intention, keep me as a priority, set manageable goals, dream big, share stories, grow business, impact our community and give more than I receive.



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