MEET Marlene

An experienced educator with over 30 years teaching, consulting and training in the classroom and boardroom, Marlene Winsten believes that the key to finding more peace and freedom for yourself and more authenticity in relationships is using techniques that limit the negative impact of stress, anxiety, and past or recurrent issues.  

Through meditation, Marlene helps businesses improve their employees’ relaxation and meditation practices and in doing so, contributes to their productivity at work and to their contentedness and fulfillment at home.

She has honed her technique for introducing a meditation technique that can be easily integrated into working people’s busy lives. She has worked in educational and health care environments, and is now expanding her scope to work with a variety of professional and civic institutions, sharing her passion for bringing meditation practices to all.

Services offered:

  • Individual coaching through meditation.
  • Organizational retreats to increase self-awareness, connectivity and productivity in the workplace.
  • Group meditation classes to learn and begin the Heart of the Matter Meditation practice with friends or in the business setting.
  • Heart of the Matter Transformation 3-Day Retreat is for those wanting to reach a deep place of connection within so that you can focus on your life purpose.

Marlene Winsten Consulting Services
Meditation & Education


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