Tracys Wellness Journey: Declaring My 2021 - Consistent

Consistency is key if you are going to be successful at most anything you do in life. It is a daily practice of simple things over time that makes the difference.

Motivational speaker Tony Robbins suggests that if you want to raise your standards, you have to change your rituals. Rituals are actions that are done consistently.

For the past few months, the word consistency has consistently showed up in my life. I have decided that that word is going to be my guiding force for 2021. Everything I want to accomplish, or change, will be measured by my rituals and consistency. 

This month marks the beginning of my sixth year with diabetes. I have learned a lot about the disease and my body during this time; from diabetic complications to nutrition, fitness, emotional wellness and mindset to the importance of stress reduction and how to become your best self.

I have hired experts, coaches, and counselors. I have had mentors and been supported by my family and friends. And yet, I still find myself struggling. I consistently overcommit and work to prove my value. I burn the candle at both ends trying to establish work-life balance. My sleep is fragmented and exercise sporadic.

2020 taught me a lot about my work and lifestyle. I truly love the work that we do here at My happy place is meeting with our advertisers and other people in the community and sharing their inspirational stories. Laying out the magazine so that our team can work their magic brings me joy and fulfillment. So much so that it is easy to get wrapped up in the day-to-day activities and totally forget about taking care of myself.

2021 is my year to pull it all together. Create the plan and be consistent and deliberate with the execution of that plan. No one else can do it for me. It is simple but not easy. I have all the tools; I know what to do and how to do it. I have the desire and support necessary to fulfil this mission.  

So why the roadblocks? I have let myself be defined by my work, my family and volunteerism.  I love everything I do and where I spend my time. The roadblock is I do not spend enough time with myself. Some of the most powerful people are the most self-aware and work on self-love consistently. I need to fall in love with me and let go of the emotions and things that hold me back.

As I write this article, there is a part of me that feels like an imposter because I feel like I should have this all figured out by now. I’m hoping that my transparency is relatable and will somehow lead to the transformation I am looking for.


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